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Forget me not.

Fall’s a busy time, and the forgotten load of wash left in the machine can mildew quickly. Luckily, vinegar comes to the rescue (again). Run the load through again with a cup of white vinegar. If your machine smells funky, run it empty with hot water and two cups of white vinegar. It removes gunk and detergent build-up while freshening without harm to your washer or the environment.


Forbes magazine reports that, on average, women age 18 to 45 own 13 handbags from seven different brands. “Women are spending more per bag and buying more bags overall,” which explains how this industry has grown to $11.6 billion a year. Forbes continues, ”More casual wardrobes and flexible work situations have made handbags surrogates for home closets or office desk drawers.”  We offer limited handbag cleaning and repair services — just ask!

Ready for Hallowe’en.

We clean costumes for theatres, sports mascots and party people year-round. There’s just enough time to freshen yours before the spooky event next week. Before you jump into that skeleton suit or Godzilla’s bridal gown from last year, let us make sure it’s clean and fresh. From tutus to muscle suits, our professionals will remove stains, freshen and finish Hallowe’en costumes.  

Who knew about new.

It doesn’t seem logical to wash or clean new garments, but industry experts recommend laundering everything that comes in contact with your skin. You never know who tried on the item in the store, but you will know for sure that you’re removing chemicals like formaldehyde use in the manufacturing process. Even 100% cotton is treated, be sure to prewash bedding, underwear, t-shirts and swimwear. Bring us the woolens, dresses and suits for cleaning before you enjoy wearing your newest.

Oxford classics.

Menswear classic Oxford cloth shirts are the foundation of a quality wardrobe. Look for shirts made of quality fabric made with multi-twist yarn of long-staple cotton. Classic shirts have a center box pleat, 2.5 to 3” button-down collar, barrel cuffs and a 1.5” placket. When you find a good-fitting shirt that’s well constructed, buy a half-dozen. We’ll make sure they’re always freshly laundered and crisply pressed, starched to your wishes.

Clean sheets.

Sheets may get more comfortable after a week or two on the bed, but there are millions of reasons to throw them into the wash. There are more critters living between your sheets than you’d like to imagine.  For home laundering, hot water and line drying in the sunshine will rid linens of mites, pet dander, mold and human debris like skin and perspiration. Or use our professional laundry services for crisply finished, folded and ready to snuggle bed linens.

The tiniest pocket.

Too small for a phone, too awkward for change, what’s the point of the smallest pocket on your jeans? According to a Quora forum thread, the pocket was added to the original Levi Strauss “waist coveralls” so cowboys would have a safe place to tuck their pocketwatches. Today, the vestigial watchpocket is loved by “denimheads” for the way it ages and wears with age and country western boot scooters love to hook their thumbs into the tiny right pocket.

Swimwear storage.

Before you toss that expensive swimsuit into the bottom drawer, turn it inside out and handwash in mild detergent and warm water, swish to clean – don’t wring – and lay it flat to dry before storing. Or drop it into a mesh lingerie bag and launder using your machine’s gentle cycle and a bit of Woolite. Airdry flat and store over winter with your summer clothing.

Lost socks found here.

We know where those missing socks are hiding—they’re clinging inside a pillowcase, to the inside of the dryer drum, or have sneaked under the washing machine. You’ll never lose another with our professional secret: lingerie bags.  Sturdy mesh zip-up bags keep small items together and prevent delicate items snagging or getting wrapped up in larger pieces.

Polo shirts, a brief history.

Originated by French tennis champion René Lacoste and introduced at the 1926 U.S. Open, the polo shirt quickly became favored tennis attire. The combination of comfort, breathability, long tuckable tail and soft collar quickly made the Lacoste popular for golfers. In 1972 Ralph Lauren founded his company on the “Polo” shirt. Today, every major clothing line includes polo shirts, worn by men, women and children for work, play, school and even for tennis. Nothing brings out the style of a polo shirt better than our professional cleaning and pressing. Try it next time, we think you’ll like the combination of crisp and casual.