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Closed Christmas Day

We’re closed today to be with family, celebrating the holidays and preparing for a better new year. As Charles Shultz of Peanuts fame said, “Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.” We hope you’ve enjoyed your share of “a little something extra” this year. We’ve built our business by providing it to every customer, every day. We wish you the best and thank you for your patronage.

Winter Solstice

The winter solstice is the day of the year with the fewest hours of daylight. In the northern hemisphere this date falls in December every year. In 2024 the winter solstice will occur on Saturday, December 21. But that means Sunday the days start getting longer again. While the nights may be cold and dark, we can make your time in bed more comfortable with our professional cleaning and laundry services to keep everything from sheets to pillows and comforters fresh and cozy.

Sweater Weather

Favorite holiday sweater stretched out of shape?  Let us know and we can block it the right size and shape when we clean it. We’ll even keep measurements on file for special garments – remember, we’re customer service specialists. May we serve your sweater’s special needs?

Get your Santa Suit ready

Ho Ho Ho! It’s that time of year to bring Santa’s good cheer. Most Santa Suits need to be dry cleaned. You know, for all that soot they pick up sliding down the chimney… and just general wear.  If you only use your Santa Suit once per season, you may only need to clean the costume every 3 or 4 years.  Make sure to ask for the lightest chemical treatment possible, and read all care instructions. Let us make the Santa in your life fresh and sweet smelling!

Leather or Pleather?

Are you wondering if it’s a leather fabric or a synthetic alternative? Here is an easy test that you can use to tell the difference between a polyurethane fabric and leather. Saturate a q-tip with paint remover. Rub a sample in an area that is hidden. If the dye transfers to the q-tip, it is leather! If not, you’re dealing with a synthetic fabric. Let our experts clean your leather and synthetic garments.

Traveling for the holidays?

Want to look your best after unpacking your clothes? Here’s a reuse-friendly tip: Put plastic dry cleaning bags in between items when you pack. It helps prevent clothes from sticking together and wrinkling. Once you have worn the clothes, you can put them back in the bag and keep your worn laundry separated from your clean clothes. Going somewhere warm and wet? The trick works great for damp clothes and bathing suits.

Get your table ready!

Are your tablecloths and napkins showing evidence of past celebrations? Let our linens department help! Nothing’s as nice as professional pressing – and our experts can remove most stains, even on delicate lace and linen. Bring your holiday linens in now and they’ll be clean and crisp for your Thanksgiving festivities.

Celebrate Veterans

Monday and every day, we celebrate those who have served our country. If you have a uniform, here is a jacket storage tip: store it on a hanger a closed (dark) closet, away from direct daylight. A uniform jacket probably spends more time in the closet than on the wearer, so an appropriate hanger is important. Appropriate suit hangers fit the curves of the jacket, they are slightly angled and have shoulder support. Hangers for men’s jackets have broad shoulder support; women’s smaller. Hangers come in various widths. Find a hanger with a width that fits your jacket’s shoulder width. The aim is that the hanger should extend all the way to, but not beyond, the point where the shoulder meets the sleeve. If you cannot find a hanger that fits perfectly, go for a slightly narrower one. Never store your jacket on a hanger that is too wide. It will leave your upper sleeves with an odd shape.

Bye bye Daylight Savings.

This Sunday, Daylight Savings Time ends and it’s time to store your warm weather clothes. Fall back and make closet space for bulkier winter clothes. Moth balls can cause eye and skin irritation — instead use cedar chips or dried lavender sachets. Be sure to clean everything thoroughly before storage—stains and yellowing can develop over time on garments that aren’t 100% clean. Enjoy the bonus hour and get ready for darker evenings.

Trick or Treat!

We are 100% in favor of dressing up, for dinner, for work and for trick or treating. And after the scary Hallowe’en fun, we are experts at removing grease paint, glitter and other reminders of the masquerade. Our expert cleaners can remove almost any stain, and we clean and pack costumes for next year. Bring your gremlins by our store for their special treat and Boo!