By admin Use plastic dry cleaning bags like tissue paper when you pack. Tuck the bags between your folded clothes to reduce wrinkling. They’re great to wrap around shoes, too. We’re happy to package your garments for travel, folded and individually wrapped in plastic or paper, ready to slip into the suitcase or garment bag. …read more From:: Travel plans for summer, big or small.
Archives for learys
Sustain your wardrobe.
By admin The added wearability you get from professional cleaning is actually a benefit to the environment. Every extra use you get from a garment reduces your need to buy a new one, and keeps it out of the rag heap or landfill. Our gentle cleaning and laundry procedures add life and comfort to your wardrobe, preventing shrinking and fading and extending the value of your investment. …read more From:: Sustain your wardrobe.
Too much of a good thing.
By admin Using too much fabric softener on towels can leave a waxy, water-resistant coating on the fibers that is the opposite effect of a good towel. Would you use wax paper or a paper towel to blot water? To get your towels back to absorbency, add a quarter cup white vinegar to the rinse cycle for a few washes – without softener, ever. If you have the luxury of a clothes line, nothing beats air dried towels for a crispy, fresh feeling. …read more From:: Too much of a good thing.
Swimwear care.
By admin After each use, rinse swimwear in cool tap water to remove sunscreen, sand, sweat and chlorine. To wash after every few wearings, turn the swimsuit inside out and hand wash in the sink, using a few drops liquid detergent in warm water. Gently squeeze the suds through the garment, don’t wring or twist. Rinse well and lay flat to dry. At the end of the season, put your swimwear in a mesh lingerie bag and run through a gentle wash cycle with a mild detergent before storing for next year. …read more From:: Swimwear care.
Summer stain relief.
By admin Beer stains should be blotted as dry as possible. As soon as possible, rinse the stain with cold water from the back of the stain. Mix liquid laundry detergent (or dish soap) with cold water and soak the stain at least ten minutes. Rinse thoroughly and launder in warm water. Yellow mustard can be tough to remove, so bring your garment to us ASAP. We’ll work that yellow spot out – we never charge extra for routine stain removal – like some of the other guys. Getting your clothes clean should be fast, easy and affordable so you can enjoy what matters, like a hotdog with the works. Enjoy your Fourth of July holiday—we’ll be celebrating with family and friends. …read more From:: Summer stain relief.
Polo shirts, a brief history.
By admin This warm-weather classic is seen everywhere, from beach to casual office. Introduced at the 1926 U.S. Open by French tennis champ René Lacoste, the shirt quickly became favored tennis attire. Soon, polo players ditched traditional button-down Oxford-cloth long sleeves for his crocodile-marked shirt. The combination of comfort, breathability, long tuckable tail and soft collar quickly made the Lacoste popular for golfers, too. In 1972 Ralph Lauren founded his company on the “Polo” shirt. Today, every major clothing line includes polo shirts, worn by men, women and children for work, play, school and even for tennis. Nothing brings out the style of a polo shirt better than professional cleaning and pressing. Try it this summer, we think you’ll like the combination of crisp and casual. …read more From:: Polo shirts, a brief history.
By admin “A well-tied tie is the first serious step in life,” said poet Oscar Wilde, famous for “Living well is the best revenge.” Before your well-tied knot has a chance to help, be sure your tie is spotless. It’s another universal truth that the more expensive the tie, the more prone it is to stains from soup, café au lait or wine. Our stain experts know how to gently restore your neckware to like-new condition. …read more From:: Neckties.
Odorous sports gear.
By admin You may not play as strenuously as a pro hockey player, but your gear doesn’t need to smell like a combination of sweat, plastic and fungus. Technical tshirts and compression shorts help prevent sweat getting into top layers, pads and leather. Air out gear after use to reduce bacterial growth encouraged by dampness. Wash everything in cold water after removing leather or padding. When home laundry’s not enough, we can provide and cleaning for technical sports gear using professional-strength cleansers, enzymes and stain removal agents. …read more From:: Odorous sports gear.
Dressing for success still works.
By admin According to Inc. magazine‘s survey of 500 firms, relaxed dress leads to relaxed manners, morals and productivity. What you wear impacts your attitude, affects others and can influence the reputation of your entire company. Wearing traditional business attire puts you in the mood to work, performing at your best. Wearing sneakers puts you in the mood to exercise. We specialize in helping maintain your professional image – from crisp shirts and blouses to impeccable jackets, suits, skirts and trousers. …read more From:: Dressing for success still works.
Flag etiquette.
By admin Displaying our national symbol is actually covered by an official Flag Code. For instance, the flag should not be flown in the dark or inclement weather. It should not be used as decoration – that’s a job for bunting, streamers and decorative materials. Always display the blue part on top. When the flag is lowered, it should never touch the ground or any other objects, it should be gathered by waiting hands and arms, respectfully and ceremoniously folded (ask a veteran how). Flags should be mended and cleaned when needed – we clean American flags at no charge as a courtesy year-round. Show your pride today on Flag Day, and fly the flag proudly year-round. …read more From:: Flag etiquette.