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Crisp, clean and professional.

By timheitzman That’s what you’re giving with a gift certificate from us. Your grateful recipient will enjoy expert dry cleaning and laundry with your compliments. We’ll create a certificate in any denomination, from stocking stuffer to magnificent. It’s a gift that’s always welcome. …read more From:: Crisp, clean and professional.

Post-turkey workout.

By timheitzman Keep your workout clothes fresh by presoaking. Most exercise garments are made with fibers that repel water, like Spandex and Lycra, so you need to presoak in a half-gallon warm water mixed with 1 ounce laundry detergent and the juice of a lemon. The lemon’s citric acid helps break down oily buildup. Gently scrub armpits, neckline and any other stained or odorific areas before soaking overnight. Then launder regularly in warm water with a white vinegar finishing rinse instead of fabric softener. Or bring the whole pile to us for professional stain removal and laundering. …read more From:: Post-turkey workout.


By timheitzman If candles dripped on the tablecloth, let everything cool and peel the wax off with your fingers. If it’s stubborn, freeze the tablecloth, then scrape off the wax with a credit card. Wash in hot water to remove the remaining embedded wax. Better yet, and a lot easier, bring your table linens to us for expert stain removal, professional laundering or dry cleaning. They’ll come back clean and wrinkle-free, ready for your next celebration. …read more From:: Leftovers?

Closed for Thanksgiving.

By timheitzman While we’re getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner, we’d like to thank a few important people in our lives. Thanks to our staff, who deliver quality and service every day. Thanks to our community, without your support we’d be nothing. Thanks to our families, for understanding that running a business is a 24/7 commitment. And thanks to you, our customer and friend. We’re all lucky, blessed and need to share our gratitude every day. (We’ll be closed tomorrow, see you Friday.) …read more From:: Closed for Thanksgiving.

Shear luxury.

By timheitzman If you’re lucky enough to have a shearling jacket to help beat the chilly weather, you’re sure to want to protect your investment. Martha Stewart has the answers for stains and routine care. Spot clean with a gentle detergent or castile soap mixed with water, then roll the garment in a large white bath towel to absorb any liquid before air drying. After you wear a shearling garment, shake to remove surface dust and inspect for stains. Professional cleaning is a must for tough stains. …read more From:: Shear luxury.

Masks, hats and gloves.

By timheitzman Keeping safe and warm is a lot more pleasant when items are clean and fresh. If you chose to home-launder, a few timely tips from Real Simple: Wash knit caps and gloves like sweaters; machine-wash knits on delicate cycle in cold water. Launder cloth masks like regular clothing, using hot water or dryer settings. Spot-clean structured newsboy and baseball caps to keep brims in shape. Handwash leather trimmed gloves. Or bring everything to the experts. We’re skilled at even the stickiest stains. …read more From:: Masks, hats and gloves.

Wash before wearing.

By timheitzman New clothing comes with more than just a new look. Almost all fabric is treated with a cocktail of chemicals that can cause irritation, including preservatives to prevent mold or mildew during shipping, formaldehyde resins, dyes and finishing chemicals. A simple launder or dry cleaning will remove chemical manufacturing residue that can lead to contact dermatitis, eczema outbreaks or respiratory problems from simply breathing the fumes. …read more From:: Wash before wearing.

Join us in honoring our veterans.

By timheitzman We’re proud of their service to our country and thankful for the protection they provide for our American way of life. Let’s remember to thank those who serve, those who sacrifice and their families. …read more From:: Join us in honoring our veterans.

Clean your cloth masks.

By timheitzman Keeping your face mask clean is almost as important as wearing one. The experts weigh in with tips: washing properly between wearings keeps your mask from becoming contaminated. Add to your washer with regular laundry, wash in hot water and dry. Using a mesh lingerie bag helps keep ear loops from tangling. Remember that the outside surface of any mask can become contaminated after one exposure to the Covid virus. Treat every unwashed mask as potentially dangerous until its properly washed and dries …read more From:: Clean your cloth masks.

Dress the table.

By timheitzman Our linen specialists put the finishing touches on your tablecloth and napkins. Nothing’s as nice as professional pressing – and our experts can remove most stains, even on delicate lace and heirloom linens. Bring your holiday linens in now and they’ll be clean and crisp for your Thanksgiving festivities, no matter how large your party. …read more From:: Dress the table.