By timheitzman Health and happiness to you and yours. There’s never been a year like 2020, and we’ve learned a lot of lessons we hope we won’t be needing too much longer. Stay safe and stay optimistic. …read more From:: A simple holiday wish:
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Celebrate the solstice.
By timheitzman Monday’s the longest night of the year — days start getting longer Tuesday morning! Pagans held off the demons of darkness with bonfires, a cheery warm way to welcome back the sun. While the nights may be cold and dark, we can make your time in bed more comfortable with our professional cleaning and laundry services to keep everything from sheets to pillows and comforters fresh and cozy. …read more From:: Celebrate the solstice.
Last-minute preparations.
By timheitzman Be sure to pick up your cleaning before we close for Christmas to spend time with friends and family. Check our holiday schedule if you have last-minute rush orders, we’ll do everything we can to take care of your cleaning needs. Next Friday, we’ll be home, celebrating and relaxing. To quote from classic favorite “Miracle on 34th Street,” Christmas isn’t just a day, it’s a frame of mind. Whether you celebrate Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or the solstice, make it a day of peace and goodwill for all. …read more From:: Last-minute preparations.
Don’t panic.
By timheitzman When pandemic restrictions start to stack up on your emotions, take a break from the news and focus on what’s good, what you can do and how so many people are doing what’s best for all. Use your at-home time to bake goodies, decorate for the holidays and send out cards. It’s not the holiday season we’d like—but our shared goal is to keep as many people healthy as possible: our family, our friends, our customers and employees. …read more From:: Don’t panic.
Winter hazard warning.
By timheitzman Deicing products, like salt, are a welcome relief from slippery sidewalks and driveways. But when salty slush and water splash on your clothes, the chemical solution can pull color, leave rings and create permanent stains on your winter clothing and shoes. Before your snow-spattered trousers, skirt or outerwear show the signs of damage, bring them in for prompt cleaning or laundry. …read more From:: Winter hazard warning.