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Veterans’ salute.

By admin Join us honoring our veterans today. We’re proud of their service to our country and thankful for the protection they provide for our American way of life. Let’s remember to thank those who serve, those who sacrifice and their families. …read more From:: Veterans’ salute.

Dress the table.

By admin Our linen specialists put the finishing touches on your tablecloth and napkins. Nothing’s as nice as professional pressing – and our experts can remove most stains, even on delicate lace and heirloom linens. Bring your holiday linens in now and they’ll be clean and crisp for your Thanksgiving festivities. …read more From:: Dress the table.

Daylight Saving Time…

By admin ends this Sunday. Now’s the time to store away your warm weather clothes. It’s a good tradition and a great way to make closet space for the bulkier winter clothes. Just don’t add moth balls to your stored garments — instead use cedar chips or dried lavender. Moth balls contain naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene, petroleum-based chemicals that can cause eye and skin irritation and definitely are not safe around children. Skip the moth balls but be sure to clean everything thoroughly before storing—stains and yellowing can develop over time on garments that aren’t 100% clean. …read more From:: Daylight Saving Time…

Sort for success.

By admin Laundry experts take sorting to a new level when they recommend sorting not only by color but also by fabric type. We always separate linty laundry like towels and sweatshirts from corduroys, permanent press and smooth fabrics that can pill. Separate loads for pure whites, lights and patterns on white, darks, brights and delicates lets you fine tune temperature and product choice. If that all sounds impossible, remember we do it every day to deliver the cleanest, brightest and longest-wearing garments and household linens …read more From:: Sort for success.

Crisp, clean and professional.

By admin That’s what you’re giving with a gift certificate from us. Your grateful recipient will enjoy expert dry cleaning and laundry with your compliments. We’ll create a certificate in any denomination, from stocking stuffer to magnificent. It’s a gift that’s always welcome. …read more From:: Crisp, clean and professional.

Hang it right.

By admin By now, you know that wire hangers are only good for temporary use. Invest in flat, thin hangers for shirts and blouses and wide-shoulder hangers for suits. Allow about a quarter-inch breathing space between garments to avoid creasing, allow air circulation and keep everything looking crisp and fresh. And please, please don’t store anything in plastic bags. …read more From:: Hang it right.

Help us help you.

By admin Be sure to let us know about spills and spots from white wine, fruit juice or soft drinks that may not be visible when dry. These invisible stains require special attention to prevent permanent discoloring. Mark stained areas with masking tape and we’ll give your garments the special attention they deserve. …read more From:: Help us help you.

Leather for fall.

By admin Suede and leather garments are investments worth protecting. Wear a scarf to protect the collar from body oils and perspiration. Allow leather to air-dry away from heat if it gets wet. Store in a cool dry place, never in heat or humidity, and never, ever in a plastic bag. Our leather cleaning specialists can help remove spills and spots, but time can make stains almost impossible to treat …read more From:: Leather for fall.

Necktie tips.

By admin “A well-tied tie is the first serious step in life,” said poet Oscar Wilde, famous for “Living well is the best revenge.” Before your well-tied knot has a chance to help, be sure your tie is spotless. It’s another universal truth that the more expensive the tie, the more prone it is to stains from soup, café au lait or wine. Our stain experts know how to gently restore your neckware to like-new condition. …read more From:: Necktie tips.


By admin Starch can actually shorten the life of a shirt by reducing the fabric’s ability to bend, stretch and straighten and heavy starching reduces the tensile (resistance to tension) strength by 20-30%, according to DLI. The advantages of starching? Better whiteness, a crisper look and increased resistance to staining. Starched or not, we’ll keep your shirts and blouses looking their best, so you’ll look yours. …read more From:: Starch?