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Cuff notes.

By admin We see all styles of dress shirt cuffs, sometimes the French cuff, most usually the square or mitered barrel cuff. They both add a structured design, with straight, hard-line geometry. The rounded cuff, on the other hand, is soft on the eye, and doesn’t minimize the clean lines that your shirt may already have. It’s finished and deliberate, but doesn’t take your casual denim shirt or rumpled linen to a stuffy or unnatural place. You’re going to see rounded cuffs everywhere – not because they’re necessarily better, but because they walk the middle of the road in an entirely inoffensive way. …read more From:: Cuff notes.

Pet hair management.

By admin Consumer Reports cautions that pet hair can clog a washing machine, preventing proper drainage, clumping in drains or sticking to the side of the machine. They recommend you remove the hair from clothes with a lint roller or masking tape. For bedding, put on a rubber glove, dampen it with water, and run your hand over the sheet or blanket. The hair will cling to the glove, so you’ll need to wash it off from time to time. Then run everything through a ten-minute no-heat dryer cycle – most of the hair will be in the lint trap. Throw into the washer, adding 1/2-cup white vinegar to the rinse cycle. Clean the washer by running an empty cycle, then wipe down the tub with a damp cloth. …read more From:: Pet hair management.

Wine+age=good. Stains+age=bad.

By admin Age is the first enemy of successful stain removal. This morning’s coffee stain will come out much easier tomorrow than it will next week or next month. The longer you wait, the greater the chance that the stain will be permanently set in the fabric. Some stains can break down cotton, linen, and silk fibers, causing thinning and holes in the fabric. Bring stains to us as soon as possible, our experts know how to get the spot out and save your garment. …read more From:: Wine+age=good. Stains+age=bad.

Seasons changing.

By admin Unless you have three or four empty closets in your home, you probably have to switch and store clothes with the changes of the season. Before putting clothes in storage, let us clean them. Cleaning prevents even invisible stains from discoloring and weakening the fabric. Also, food and beverage stains, as well as body oils and perspiration can attract pesky insects. …read more From:: Seasons changing.

New denim blues.

By admin Ever wear jeans fresh from the store and notice your hands and shirt turned blue? When dye is transferred by friction, it’s called crocking, and the indigo dye in blue jeans is a notorious crocker. Before you leave a tint of blue everywhere, the laundry is your first stop. Wash with cold water and, before the rinse cycle starts, stop the machine and add two cups white vinegar and soak. After a couple of hours, turn the machine on to finish. Hang and air dry your jeans, then press with the hottest iron setting. Then throw them back into the machine for one more cold-water wash. …read more From:: New denim blues.

Keeping it local.

By admin Want to make a local, sustainable investment? Look no further than your local merchants. Hometown businesses create jobs and contribute to our community in many ways. The numbers are impressive: three-quarters of every dollar stays here in your community compared to only about 40% when shopping at a chain outlet. …read more From:: Keeping it local.

Restore and preserve.

By admin Count on us to keep your keepsakes fresh and protected. Preservation’s not just for bridal gowns, we can help save christening gowns, military uniforms, letter jackets and prom dresses. And restoration by our experts can repair stains, tears and loose seams. We not only keep your everyday wardrobe looking its best, we help preserve heirlooms for the future …read more From:: Restore and preserve.

Scared by care tags.

By admin Hand washing may not always be the answer — “dry clean only” may seem like a scare tactic, but the manufacturer has tested the fabric, patterns and styles prior to production; hand washing may cause colors to bleed, styles to alter or the fabric to break down. Ask us to recommend professional dry or wet cleaning to extend the life and looks of your garment. …read more From:: Scared by care tags.

Make your bed.

By admin After summer’s hot nights, now’s the time to freshen your nighttime environment. Begin by stripping the bed down to the mattress. If you use a mattress pad, launder (or bring to us) and dry thoroughly, hanging on the line, if you have one. Flip and rotate the mattress. Is it time to replace your pillows? Unless they are very high quality, it may be easier to buy new than clean old. Sniff test the winter comforter, blankets or quilts. We can clean them to like-new freshness – even king size is no problem for our machines. Be ready to snuggle up when winter chills arrive. …read more From:: Make your bed.

Crayons in the pocket?

By admin We’re not accusing anyone of coloring outside the lines, but if you open the dryer door to find a colorful myriad of melted wax stains. The easiest way to solve this problem is to bring the garments in for drycleaning. We’re able to remove most, if not all, stains through cleaning and professional stain removal procedures. …read more From:: Crayons in the pocket?