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Secrets of the loop.

By admin Almost every top-quality button-down shirt has a tiny fabric loop sewn into the seam where the shoulder blades meet. The loop started way back in the Navy when sailors hung their clothing on hooks to save space. In the 1960s when the collegiate Ivy League look became popular, the Gant company reintroduced the little extra as a “locker loop.” The loop quickly became a status symbol. On some campuses, removing the loop signified that a man was taken and no longer free to date. We can make sure your button-down shirt is crisp and clean, with or without the loop. …read more From:: Secrets of the loop.

Camel coat come-back.

By admin The outwear classic is chic, flattering, timeless and versatile – definitely a good investment. Choose a tailored cut in a mid-length coat for serious wardrobe staying power. As with any investment garment, look for top-quality fabric from a trusted vendor. The best (and most expensive) camel’s hair has long, thin fibers for a warm and light garment that won’t pill. …read more From:: Camel coat come-back.

Spring styling tips.

By admin Glamour Magazine shares clever tricks from the spring runway that cost $0 and add smart style to clothes you already own. Wear a turtleneck under a buttoned-all-the-way-up blouse, embellish a sleeveless dress with tie-on ribbons or simply hang a scarf from the waistband of your midi skirt where you tuck in the sweater. Take a peek and see how you can freshen your look for spring. …read more From:: Spring styling tips.

Winter coat trends.

By admin While last winter saw military style jackets and capes, this year the big designers focused on six styles for winter warmth. Classic trench coats adapt to fall and spring wear, year after year. Cozy shearling and fluffed-up puffers are being seen everywhere. On the synthetic side, vinyl and faux fur stretch the imagination. For sporty style and functionality, chic ski wear is seen on the streets just as often as on the slopes. …read more From:: Winter coat trends.

Holiday cleanup.

By admin Before you stow away remains of the holiday, make sure everything is clean and ready for another celebration next year. We clean sooty Santa suits, pitchy tree skirts, eggnogged lapels and almost everything else. We’ll even try to remove some of the ugly from holiday sweaters. We regret the ugly that’s woven into the design is beyond modern cleaning technology. Here’s to a bright (and clean) New Year. …read more From:: Holiday cleanup.

Back to work we go.

By admin Looking your best on the job takes more than good sense. It’s a practical way to make your presence professional, capable and on top. Your drycleaner does more than remove spots and press in creases where they belong. We contribute to your successful image with business attire that’s maintained at its best. So you always look at your best. …read more From:: Back to work we go.

Welcome 2018.

By admin “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” Even the most extreme optimists will agree with Oprah Winfrey on this New Year’s toast – a fresh year with new opportunities and challenges, new rewards and surprises. New friends and new ideas. We wish you all the very best and plan to make this new year the best ever. …read more From:: Welcome 2018.

Holiday stain relief.

By admin Candle wax, pumpkin pie, pine resin, turkey fat, red wine and lipstick stains (caused by mistletoe) are just a few of the risks of the holidays. Our stain experts know how to treat even the worst, using techniques and specialized products not available for home use. Bring the damaged item to us as soon as possible so we can get started before the stains oxidize. …read more From:: Holiday stain relief.

Have the merriest.

By admin We’ll be closed Monday to be with family and friends, celebrating the holidays and preparing for a wonderful new year. As Charles Shultz said, “Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.” We hope you’ve enjoyed your share of “a little something extra” this year. We’ve built our business by providing it to every customer, every day. We wish you the best and thank you for your patronage. …read more From:: Have the merriest.

Celebrate the solstice.

By admin Tomorrow’s the longest night of the year — days start getting longer Friday morning! We can make your bedding even more comfortable with cleaning and laundry services to keep everything from sheets to pillows and comforters fresh and cozy. …read more From:: Celebrate the solstice.