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Stains of summer.

By admin Beer stains should be blotted as dry as possible. As soon as possible, rinse the stain with cold water from the back. Mix liquid laundry detergent (or dish soap) with cold water and soak the stain at least ten minutes. Rinse thoroughly and launder in warm water. Yellow mustard can be tough to remove, so bring your garment to us ASAP. We’ll work that yellow spot out – we never charge extra for routine stain removal. Getting your clothes clean should be fast, easy and affordable so you can enjoy what matters, like a hotdog with the works. Enjoy your Fourth of July holiday next week—we’ll be celebrating with family and friends. …read more From:: Stains of summer.

Summer wedding tips for men.

By admin Women have it easy with a simple non-white dress. For summer, a man’s traditional dark suit can be too warm and predictable. For a city wedding, choose a lightweight suit in gray, blue or a subtle pattern. Style it up with a pastel Oxford or poplin shirt. In the country, blazers and sport coats reign, paired with well-cut chinos. Seaside or resort? A tailored white shirt, colored chinos and a light-colored linen blazer. Keep everything understated and appropriate for the venue. And always be ready with a clever toast. …read more From:: Summer wedding tips for men.

Crisp white sheets.

By admin A few tips to help keep that timeless, breezy look fresh— Don’t eat in bed or go to bed with makeup on. Stains are easier to make than remove. Wash in warm or hot water to remove body oils. Never use chlorine bleach, it weakens and yellows fibers. Finish your laundry with a white vinegar final rinse to remove any residual detergent that can look grey. And hang your clean bedding in the sunshine to airdry and smell amazingly fresh. …read more From:: Crisp white sheets.

Linen, the summer classic.

By admin Linen’s looser weave allows air to flow more freely. Linen’s fibers are absorbent and conductive — wicking moisture to evaporate back into the air for a little natural cooling. The wrinkled, rumpled look of linen is a side-effect of flax fiber’s inherent structure, traditionally considered a sign of comfortable elegance. Linen’s long-wearing quality costs a bit more, and takes a little more care, but linen can be a summer pleasure. Our professional finishing adds crispness to summer garments. …read more From:: Linen, the summer classic.

Father’s Day saved by haberdashery.

By admin Back in the early 40’s, Father’s Day wasn’t widely celebrated. An association of menswear retailers and manufacturers, including the necktie industry, promoted the June holiday as an occasion to make Dad more dapper. Today, the holiday generates over $13 billion in sales – that’s a lot of neckties! It seems to be unavoidable that the more expensive the tie, the more prone it is to stains from soup, café au lait or wine. Our stain experts know how to gently restore neckware to like-new condition. …read more From:: Father’s Day saved by haberdashery.

Flag etiquette.

By admin Displaying our national symbol is actually covered by an official Flag Code. For instance, the flag should not be flown in the dark or inclement weather. It should not be used as decoration – that’s a job for bunting, streamers and decorative materials. Always display the blue part on top. When the flag is lowered, it should never touch the ground or any other objects, it should be gathered by waiting hands and arms, respectfully and ceremoniously folded (ask a veteran how). Flags should be mended and cleaned when needed – we clean American flags at no charge as a courtesy year-round. Show your pride and fly the flag, especially on Flag Day this Friday. …read more From:: Flag etiquette.

Marks of summer fun.

By admin When chlorophyll, xanthophylls and carotenoids from fresh grass are ground into cotton, removing the complex mix of proteins and organic pigmented compounds can be difficult. Pretreat with a full load’s worth of liquid detergent poured onto the stains. Scrub until the stains start to disappear, wait about ten minutes then launder in cool water. Repeat until all signs of stain are gone— heat from a dryer or iron will set stains permanently. Our cleaning experts can take care of knees and elbows marked with green—let us get the stains out. …read more From:: Marks of summer fun.

Camp comfort.

By admin With bold prints and patterns, men’s camp collar shirts are always popular for summer with open-neck casual comfort, boxy fit and straight bottom hems. Tuck into chinos or wear oversized over a t-shirt for a fresh look, under a sports jacket for a more classic look. …read more From:: Camp comfort.

Sweat happens.

By admin Removing the stains can be a laundry challenge, but Family Handymanoffers a few tips: First, soak the garment in equal parts cold water and white distilled vinegar before laundering as usual. Stubborn yellowish antiperspirant stains on white fabric can often be removed by scrubbing in 1 part Dawn dish soap mixed with 2 parts hydrogen peroxide. Let it soak in for an hour, then launder. Absolutely avoid chlorine bleach, and never try home remedies on silk and dry-clean-only garments. The safest solution? Bring the garment to us for professional care. …read more From:: Sweat happens.

Sort for success.

By admin Laundry pros take sorting to a new level when they recommend sorting not only by color but also by fabric type. We always separate linty laundry like towels and sweatshirts from corduroys, permanent press and smooth fabrics that can pill. Separate loads for pure whites, lights and patterns on white, darks, brights and delicates lets you fine tune temperature and product choice. If that all sounds impossible, remember we do it every day to deliver the cleanest, brightest and longest-wearing garments and household linens …read more From:: Sort for success.