By admin Our linen specialists put the finishing touches on your tablecloth and napkins. Nothing’s as nice as professional pressing – and our experts can remove most stains, even on delicate lace and heirloom linens. Bring your holiday linens in now and they’ll be clean and crisp for your Thanksgiving festivities. …read more From:: Dress the table.
Archives for Uncategorized
Restore and preserve.
By admin Count on us to keep your keepsakes fresh and protected. Preservation’s not just for bridal gowns, we can help save christening gowns, military uniforms, letter jackets and prom dresses. We save antique table linens, too, removing old stains, patching and brightening yellowed fabrics. We not only keep your everyday wardrobe looking its best, we help preserve heirlooms for the future. …read more From:: Restore and preserve.
Honoring our heroes.
By admin Join us honoring all who have served this Monday, Veterans Day. We’re proud of their military service to our country and thankful for the protection they provide for our American way of life. Let’s remember to thank those who serve, those who sacrifice, and their families. …read more From:: Honoring our heroes.
Washing Lulumon.
By admin Comfy workout clothing comes with a price: stretchy and super-wicking technical fabrics hold onto odor longer. When the moisture wicks away, odor-causing chemicals remain on the non-absorbent surface of the fibers. Consumer Reports advises prompt washing after sweating, before bacteria can start multiplying. Pretreat synthetic workout clothes to break down body oils and grease. Separate the smelliest athletic gear – the stink can transfer to other clothes, especially synthetics. Choose a detergent that removes body oil in cold water and rewash if stubborn smells linger. Air dry or lay flat to preserve shape and fit. Avoid hot water, chlorine bleach or fabric softener. …read more From:: Washing Lulumon.
Daylight Savings.
By admin When Daylight Savings Time ends this Saturday night, winter’s right behind. Now’s the time to store away your warm weather clothes. It’s a good tradition and a great way to make closet space for the bulkier winter clothes. Just don’t add moth balls to your stored garments — instead use cedar chips or dried lavender. Be sure to clean everything thoroughly before storing—stains and yellowing can develop over time on garments that aren’t 100% clean. …read more From:: Daylight Savings.
Trick or Treat!
By admin We are 100% in favor of dressing up, for dinner, for work and for trick or treating. And after the scary Hallowe’en fun, we are experts at removing grease paint, glitter and other reminders of the masquerade. Our expert cleaners can remove almost any stain, and we clean and pack costumes for next year. Bring your gremlins by our store for their special treat and Boo! …read more From:: Trick or Treat!
Beanie or watch-cap…
By admin there’s nothing warmer. Pull on a snug knitted cap to keep out the cold and add some style to your bundled-up look. Knit or crocheted hats made of natural fibers should be handwashed in cool water. Soak for twenty minutes in a mild detergent, agitate gently and never squeeze or wring. Rinse in cool water, lay flat and air dry. Synthetics can be machine washed in cool water, gentle cycle. Air dry to prevent shrinking. Or bring your beanie to the experts. We’ll clean and block your cap to like-new freshness. …read more From:: Beanie or watch-cap…
Shaggy dog?
By admin Consumer Reports cautions that excessive pet hair can prevent proper drainage and stick to the side of your washing machine. They recommend you remove pet hair from clothes with a lint roller or masking tape before washing. For bedding, put on a rubber glove, dampen it with water, and run your hand over the sheet or blanket. The hair will cling to the glove, so you’ll need to wash it off from time to time. Then run everything through a ten-minute no-heat dryer cycle – most of the hair will be in the lint trap. Throw into the washer, adding ½ cup white vinegar to the rinse cycle. If needed, clean the washer by running an empty cycle, then wipe down the tub with a damp cloth. …read more From:: Shaggy dog?
Sweater care.2
By admin Never hang a sweater, it’ll droop and sag. Instead, fold and store in a drawer. If you must hang, fold in half over a cardboard-crossbar hanger (like we do). We can block your sweaters back to shape when we finish them, and our gentle cleaning prevents shrinkage. When your sweater get wrinkled, a light pressing with steam will freshen it, but be sure to use a pressing cloth to prevent adding shine. Or better yet, bring it to us. We can even add elbow patches to worn favorites. …read more From:: Sweater care.2
Ready for Hallowe’en.
By admin We clean costumes for theatres, sports mascots and party people year-round. There’s just enough time to freshen yours before the spooky event next week. Before you jump into that skeleton suit or Godzilla’s bridal gown from last year, let us make sure it’s clean and fresh. From tutus to muscle suits, our professionals will remove stains, freshen and finish Hallowe’en costumes. …read more From:: Ready for Hallowe’en.